Autonomous systems , Could Accomplish in Two Wheel Vehicles ?

Autonomous systems , Could Accomplish in Two Wheel Vehicles ?

Montreal autonomous -System may be created for motor vehicles. However, currently being developed is an autonomous system for cars or trucks. Could such a system be applied in a two-wheeler?

In the future it could be realized. Later the two-wheeled vehicles may also be able adopt an autonomous technology that does not require human control.

Page Wired published a concept called Cyclotron. The concept was invented by Charles Bombardier, a futurist transportation along with Ashish Thulkar, a freelance industrial designer.

Cyclotron is the concept of two-wheeled vehicles autonomous tech. The author was inspired by the Tron Light Cycle and Lit Motors C1 can be balanced by itself.

On the concept of 'motor' autonomous, two passengers can sit in the vehicle were closed and facing each other. It provides an opportunity to relax, berdisksi and get to know each other.

"A system of gyroscopic as in C1 will maintain the stability of the vehicle at all times, even when completely stopped, do not need to put your feet to keep the vehicle is still standing. The electric motor sends power to both wheels to increase traction in winter conditions. Or for save power, power can be distributed to only one wheel, "writes Wired.

Interior 'motor' autonomous comes with two seats that can be arranged. This vehicle is also equipped with butterfly doors on the right and left sides.

Since this is an autonomous vehicle, it is no longer needed handlebars or steering wheel. Suffice it to say a travel destination, the vehicle will take you wherever you want.

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